Privacy statement

This privacy statement applies to the processing of personal data and has been prepared in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (AVG).
User of this privacy statement, also processing controller within the meaning of the AVG, is Nard, based in Apeldoorn.
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Personal data
Purpose of processing
We only use your personal data to get in touch with you (contact details), to communicate with you and as part of the services to be agreed with you. We do not use your data for other purposes.
If you give us your personal contact details, whether by phone, email, website or otherwise, we will only use these details to contact and communicate with you. If no service agreement is concluded, the data will be deleted 6 months after receipt.

Processing personal data
If a service agreement is concluded, we will have more personal data than just contact details. We only use this personal data in the context of the service provision agreed with you and only collect the data we consider necessary or useful in that context.
The data will not be shared with third parties without your consent.

We have made every effort to ensure that your data is safe with us. When processing personal data, we may use one or more processors, such as an internet service provider. To safeguard your privacy and ensure technical security, we only enter into processor agreements concluded in accordance with the requirements imposed on them in the AVG with a guarantee that your data will not be processed outside the EU. As the controller, we remain responsible.
Personal data recorded in physical form is kept in a proper lockable room so that third parties cannot access it.
We do not share your data with other parties without your consent, unless there is an administrative or legal obligation to do so, or a court order.

Retention periods
We do not keep your personal data longer than necessary for the purpose of processing.
We are, of course, bound by legal and tax obligations. For example, the tax authorities require us to keep your invoice data for 7 years.
Personal data collected in the context of the services agreed with you, including contact details, are kept for no longer than 2 years after the end of the agreement and then deleted or destroyed.

Data subject rights
We respect your privacy rights and will cooperate to ensure that you can exercise the rights granted to you in the AVG. Examples include the right to inspect, correct and delete your personal data. If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us about this.